Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East Representing Bilston South, Bilston North, East Park, Ettingshall North, Ettingshall South and Spring Vale, Bentley and Darlaston North, Darlaston South, Willenhall South.
Pat McFadden MP enjoys ‘Wolverhampton Coffee’ following the launch of the product by Wolverhampton Fair Traid last week.
Pat McFadden MP enjoys ‘Wolverhampton Coffee’ following the launch of the product by Wolverhampton Fair Traid last week
Wolverhampton already has its own (fair trade) chocolate bar which Pat can be seen pictured indulging in earlier this year! So, he was delighted to purchase some ‘Wolverhampton Coffee’ following the launch of the product last week.
Pat commented, “I am thrilled that Wolverhampton’s Fairtrade Partnership has now launched its very own coffee in addition to the infamous chocolate bar! The Fair Trade movement in the city has grown in strength, with a wider variety of products and a greater knowledge and understanding of fair trade. The coffee is delicious and I would encourage everyone to go down to the shop on School Street to taste it!”
The shop is open Tues -; Fri 10AM -; 4PM and Saturday 9AM -; 1PM and is located in The Methodist Centre, 24 School Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 4LF.
Pat has always been a keen supporter of the fair trade movement in Wolverhampton. Earlier this year, he attended the Wolverhampton Fairtrade Partnership’s AGM and Revolver (Fairtrade) Coffee often sponsor many of his charitable events.
Wolverhampton’s history of fair trade kicked off in 1991 where we saw the first fair trade shop opening and the selling of fair trade products. In 2004, the City became a fair trade city and in 2016 the Fairtrade Foundation renewed that status.
Shropshire Coffee, based in Wolverhampton, has provided both ground and whole bean coffees in their Expresso Oro range. Giuseppe D’Anna, manager of Shropshire Coffee, said, “we are happy to be producers of Fairtrade coffee and look forward to working with Wolverhampton Fair Traid”.
The coffee’s distinctive red packaging carries a label designed by local artist, Belinda Longsden, which incorporates the “Love My City” heart designed by Navi Aulkh. Belinda said, “I am happy to be part of such a great product and will do my best to promote Wolverhampton in a positive light.
Belinda has also used her design, featuring iconic images of the city, on mugs.
The trio -; mug, coffee and chocolate -; can be purchased at Wolverhampton Fair Traid, 24 School Street @ £11.50.
Chair of the Board of Wolverhampton Fair Traid said, “We are proud and delighted to be part of this new Fairtrade initiative in partnership with Giuseppe and Belinda. Their continuous support and commitment gives Wolverhampton City a tremendous local national and international boost to Fairtrade”.