Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East Representing Bilston South, Bilston North, East Park, Ettingshall North, Ettingshall South and Spring Vale, Bentley and Darlaston North, Darlaston South, Willenhall South.
Last week, I attended numerous Holocaust Memorial Commemoration events.
I attended Wolverhampton’s service at the Cenotaph and then signed the Statement of Commitment for Holocaust Memorial Day.
I then went over to Dudley where my colleague Ian Austin MP hosted an event and we heard from Ziggi Shipper, an 89 year old Holocaust survivor, who shared his incredibly moving story.
As time passes it is more important than ever to remember where hatred and demonisation of other races can lead. Holocaust Memorial Day and the year round work of the Holocaust Educational Trust are both hugely important both in remembering what was done during the Holocaust and in teaching today’s generation about this terrible attempt to wipe out Europe’s Jewish population.
Our democracy and our freedoms are only maintained through vigilance and hard work. We can never take them for granted. We always have to remember people’s common humanity and resist the demonisation of any group or race. That’s what the events last week are aimed at.