Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East Representing Bilston South, Bilston North, East Park, Ettingshall North, Ettingshall South and Spring Vale, Bentley and Darlaston North, Darlaston South, Willenhall South.
Pat McFadden MP was pleased to see young people embracing Fairtrade when he joined events with Wolverhampton Mayor, Councillor Claire Darke on Friday 6th March. In the morning Pat joined the Mayor at the City Suite in the Civic Centre to present prizes to the winners of a local schools art competition to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. Later on Pat joined the Mayor again at Graiseley Primary School where they held a Fairtrade afternoon tea for the pupils.
The young people applied skill and passion to such an important cause. The quality of the artwork that the young people created was excellent and schools from Wolverhampton South East constituency were well represented.
Graiseley Primary School has been a long-term supporter of Fairtrade and Pat McFadden MP was pleased to join the children again this year. The parents provided delicious home baked cakes for everyone to enjoy.

Pat McFadden MP joined staff from City of Wolverhampton Council, Wolverhampton Connexions and Department of Work and Pensions promoting the Wolves at Work employment support service at their Mander Centre roadshow on Friday 6th March. Pat spoke with staff running the drop-in service about the jobs and training courses available in Wolverhampton and how Wolves at Work is addressing youth unemployment in the city.
Wolves at Work has done a great job since coming into being a few years ago. It has helped over 5,000 people into work and built up a good relationship with many local employers. This is very important given that unemployment in the city is much higher than average and has been heading in the wrong direction over the past eighteen months or so. We need targeted help for unemployed people in Wolverhampton to avoid people drifting away from the labour market or being out of work for the long term. Work is hugely important not only for a better income but also social networks, better mental health and continued progression and learning. Wolves at Work plays an important role in bringing those opportunities to people, though with the unemployment levels we have locally, there is still a lot more to be done.
Wolves at Work is a joint initiative between City of Wolverhampton Council and the Department for Work and Pensions. It has helped more than 5,000 local people in to work since 2017 since March 2017 and has recently been extended for a fourth year of operations.

Pat McFadden MP met with Manny and Suprina from the The STA Foundation (formerly Sikh Toy Appeal) and discussed their plans to expand the scope of the organisation to help address wider social issues. Beyond the fantastic work they have done on collecting and distributing Christmas presents for under privileged children the organisation is expanding in to offering services related to wider social issues including knife crime, bullying, substance abuse, mental health and smoking amongst children and young people.
Click on the link if you would like more information on what The STA Foundation does.