Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East Representing Bilston South, Bilston North, East Park, Ettingshall North, Ettingshall South and Spring Vale, Bentley and Darlaston North, Darlaston South, Willenhall South.
In recent months we have had many new members locally and around the country.
Joining a political Party is a big and important step and I am very grateful to members for taking it.
Our country certainly needs political change. We are governed by a divided and incompetent Conservative Party. They cannot reconcile the fundamental choices posed by Brexit and have little focus on anything else. And they are dependent for survival on their £1bn deal with the DUP.
Labour members can take part in a variety of activities locally, from going to your local ward meeting to leafletting for a campaign or a local election candidate to knocking on doors and speaking to voters. Some members simply want to join as a statement of support. Everything is voluntary and the level of your involvement is up to you. Through the activity of local members we can have a stronger voice in the local community and can get our message across, whether that’s on the NHS, housing, crime or any other issue.
I have been the local MP in Wolverhampton South East for 13 years now and I am always keen to meet new members. So, it was great to meet new members to the party earlier this month. We had our youngest Labour Party member in Wolverhampton South East join us to- Ellie who is just 14! A big welcome to her and all the other new party members.